You expected to experience the spine tingling as ...the...more...your... energy moves up. Move it, coul it, fire it up....your... creative energy....and....Imagine a bright yellow color as you feel your creativity expand..... If you have any problem in your life, now is the time to think of creative solutions..... Do not loose your sexual arousal by focusing too much on the issue....focus...rather...on the good feelings....of The solution can only drift into your mind ...now...yet...let it go.... Continue with the sound "ah" to help move the energy and get into contact with your higher self....or ....something....greater....than...you.....
You have no expectations...thank you very much...for that someone....that....once....told....me....buy more coul notes....would ya....please....develop .....you....and ....your....personality....to enrich the lives...of not only others....but in ....the....process....yourself....hence.....enhance....share....buy....and....do ....both....you...and....I....a.....favor.....of promoting....or sharing....this....idea....of....coul notes....with your friends....