Once he hears….the sound of his siren….muse….and….until his heart is content…or rather until his ears are satisfied after listening to coul notes….rahter….one departs….and enters…. till his heart’s content….he sails on…..as….a wiser man….before him….an elder….did…..because….We…..all know that all the pains…..that are next to change….is not really necessary….so thanks for listening to coul music, coul notes, and watching coul videos….and like that…. the Greeks and Trojans once endured ….so that you now have endurance….hence….
on the spreading plains of Troy…..when it is needed most…. when the gods willed it….. so….humans shall…..realize….. that all comes to pass….. on the fertile earth as we know it all already…
God Bless Us All
Got Housing?
Cool, not the town in California, and not Coolon, but a zero needs and zero unfulfilled desires artist with enough talent to fill three mansions in his dreams spills the beans! Not South Side Story or I'm So Fly yet "on another journey, watch out, he might not come back." It's over as he retired last quarter. Will he be back? Who Cares? His fans are almost caught up to his mix tape game and will he continue to "spit em out, and eat em" like groupies? Plus, did he make a decision to be insane? "Relaxation is what I breathe." Is it time to animate and invigorate? What other resources will he grant us as the beams of light shine through the clouds?