It is…… towards …..these daemones that we direct ….our attentions….purifications and rites….with…all…. all kinds of divination….. the art of reading and writing….sometimes….goes beyond…. chance utterances, and so on… Hence….this….. account differs from that of the early Academy in reaching back to the other…..old…. Archaic….. view of daemones as souls…..because… it replaces….replace assumptions….beliefs…habits…. and thus….. anticipate…following the path Troy Coulon has set out for you and buy the products at the end of the golden path…set before you….that is….if you want to enrich your life…have more harmony….love…and……anticipate….also anticipates…. the views of the Principate… principles….as…it…seems….turn into….overtly….happy….and…. clearly expressed….commentary….that… implies….. that daemones can cause illness to livestock….yuck….er….ouch….ed…and… this traditional dominated view….. has now reached the intellectuals….fortunately…they have ….caught up….therefore…catch up
Gwen Stefani / Eve / Troy Coulon: Let Me Blow Ya Mind Remix