Beyond relaxation…deep breathe…feel good….you've created all these feelings for yourself…thank those feelings for allowing you to be this way….it is great that you get the outcome you desire…when you want, how you want it, and it is okay to have delayed gratification…expanded horizons….always traveling…business…its all you….bring humor to more situations….buy coul notes...on spottily....and iTunes....hence....its over…come back…feel energized…. facing your fears with adult resources…you're okay and I'm okay….or ….I love you…Focus on your resources…swing your resources…sway…back and forth...
Paulina Gretzky is not......Voted Hottest Politician, Carrey Torrice.....making a cameo in "I Know You Want Me" remix and in a Counter-Revolutionary expose of "So What'cha Want" go online...and type ....coul search for....them...and buy face...your death...and go ....through...the process...of growth...sublimity....surviving death....TYVM
"Considering the progression of hip hop as an art form, I felt it was time to get into something like Dub Step and Rusko was a perfect entry point, starting point....And coming out of retirement....coul notes....the more people seemed to buy F.U. (Friends United) ....growing...thanks to you....