Friday, November 25, 2011

Coul Notes, Tulip Mania? Divine

On February 24, 1637, the self-regulating society of Dutch florists, allowing the first bubble to your breath.....relaxing your shoulders....flattening your back.....expanding.....for....this a decision that was later ratified by the Dutch Parliament..... announced that all just around the corner contracts..... written after November 30, 1636...... and before the re-opening of the cash in the early Spring.....on the first ever stock exchange in now in.....Amsterdam..... were to be interpreted as option....other side of the coin...... contracts......Therefore, like coul notes, found on and iTunes and spotify....there are more options for the purchaser.....hence... They did this by..... simply..... relieving the down the road buyers...... of the obligation.......and like coul is relieved of........ tension, stress, anxiety, stinking thinking, and so forth.....because...... to buy the scheduled tulips.....they thought it was rad...... forcing....coercing... them merely to compensate...... the sellers with a small fixed percentage.....instead...... of the paper contract...... price......and the bubble always ....the is there so much value ....found in coul notes......