Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My Dick--Mickey Avalon featuring Troy Coulon

But that burning glare ….is….so intense….so livid….and…..while….at the same time…..more or less….it is so alive…life…is….had in it….. something that was almost HUMAN … its passion of hate
and mockery….. something that served to show….. that the shadowy
Horror….. was not all a spirit….a..ghost… coul notes on….think and grow rich….overcoming the ghosts of fear….via…decision….autosuggession….but of course….they partook of matter enough….first…second….and…a….third….red or blue pill…. at least….to make it more courageous in the face of death…and fear….fack everything and recover….btwy…. could be an enemy to material forms…..and here is where it gets good….because….there….is a sound….As, clinging with the grasp of agony to the wall…..ecstacy….perhaps….via….her…or his hair erect, his
eyeballs starting, rolling in the back of his head……. he still gazed back upon that appalling gaze… felt great…it feels great….and….—the Image spoke to him: his soul rather than his ear comprehended the words as they were spoken aloud when you bought coul notes….for it said….in that warm voice you know and love so well…..don't stop