Sexual energy is not lost during this type of sexual activity and the pleasure of orgasm is not distracted by the flow of semen. Many health benefits are gained even if the preservation of seminal fluid which contains vital energy. To study the deer exercise, see Stephen Chang Tao of sexology or my other articles. This article will focus on how to process the sexual energy once you've learned to keep it.
....and...now....give yourself the opportunity for prosperity....because….you have a wealth consciousness….and utilized it…you’re grateful….thanks to coul notes....be warm…appreciate it….and….slowly…get in peace with your executive....the inner healer...the authority within...granted ...to ....you ....by....good ...orderly....direction....a....n.....d..... a system….of….getting out, dodge.... they're…. stomping grounds…because....you’re motivated….you have a change ....they intend the best for you....you are....already in progress…since.... you’re succeeding…you’re willful….
It’s not critical for them to blink more….They shouldn’t tighten their eyes or say "I love you" through the eyes of a mirror….Get in the moment…Now...Focus on your resources…What they have, not what you, your feelings... judgements...in uptime...say...hence....become a viable...valuable....worthwhile....solution...and….please....Give some-more pleasure to others….since....oh....BTW....have they meditated lately? … or....ask for assistance like a veteran lately? …rewarded good behavior, lately? …focused on your strengths...positive intentions.... lately…. process your passionate energy, lately? … they now have an huge advantage…. Coul Notes allows them the luxury of freedom....the....leisure to try new options…increasing your choices….chances....for success....and....coul notes…notices themselves getting richer and richer....can you....imagine....you can....allow yourself....the opportunity...of developing your own....your...own....inner resources....yes....you...and....me....with the resources that are in them.....utilize those very same substantial resources....like rich…rich....rich....richness.....enriching....