Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Getting closer to God at times is something I .....
On this account.....and checking on my work....progress is made...thanks to our research and development departments here at coul industries....and thanks to the international sales of coul notes....and our past decisions....we....along ....with.... the other traditional notions..... of ....say.....the daemon...... as it is related to the souls of the dead...... is .....insightfully.... in favour of a spatial.....spiritual.....experience.....or..... scenario
Are you desiring to draw nearer to God? How close do you really want to get to Him? These questions are worthy of consideration....contemplation....guided meditation...etc
Today, I wanted to talk a little bit about how to get closer to God. (I also made some coul the listener...know.... How to Hear From God)