Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Go, heavenly guest….in a rolls royce…ghost...a...phantom......

Go, heavenly guest….in a rolls royce…ghost...a...phantom......finding common ground…..saving oneself….taking charge of one's life…..like Annie….in Bridesmaids…..go….. ethereal messenger….find coul notes….the one that suits your interests…..better your life….it is in your hands….and thank your thumbs….for….the help…..because….that…part….of you ……yes…that…part of yo or ....you....the one that I respect....yes.... that I respect…so very much…..allows you to create these warm feelings….building….building….in warmth and intensity….like a sweet escape….that brings you back….. to your life….. with a more aliveness....a greater oomph….and….a better attitude…to overcome…and….change….or maintain….

Gangstarr - Battle from the Santa Barbarian Mixtape (featuring Rolls Royce Ghost and Checkerz)