Odysseus himself was the only one who was able to strain his bow....to not let his dream that was within his heart to be overcome....while eating his lotus flower....like his soldiers....sailors....followers.....ho's....were...there....on....that....farm...can you see it???? … he beat his competitors..... and regained...... his wife after his long absence....... due to the war in Troy.....the.... Trojan War......So...... We can discover.......at.......the..... the same time.....a......theme ......that......for example ......is....often found....in the fields.....of Troy .....in the Nile......on the Goldean Coast.....on the Mississippi River.......and now you perhaps.....may jus want to let go to all the passion and excitement and deep connection you experience....now....with me.....in the present moment..... and on your own journey to find.....him....that...is....the....one....who....goes....by....the...saying..... my name is love ….
What's The Difference: (Cash Flow Mixtape)