Monday, November 14, 2011

Troy Coulon is Intimately Rapping Personalism

New Timbo Storch style Beat. INSTRUMENTAL in collaboration with the Starvin Marvin Mixtape Sessionz

i could be wrong; and i'm sorry for being too technical but Y is like your favorite makes you feel happier...and you allow it flow like warm honey ....flowing through your veins...increasing relaxation.... and Z is the part of you that procrastinates and is obviously looking for a way out....or....a way out for a part which serves a valuable part in your life....because...X the part of you that "sighs" and wants the best for your well being...and I respect all of those parts very much.... btw ....thanks for purchasing coul notes tomorrow.....and....please.....have a wonderfully, delightful time..... being..... in...... harmony with all of those....or....every ...a...loving...and happy....way