It's not important for you understand….You shouldn't rock your body …and listen…to rid yourself of all that pain….hence its okay…to change your personal history….multiple personalities is an evolutionary step….and deflate your ego…learn more rejuvenation…noble intentions…are yours…beyond relaxation you go…and you begin to allow yourself to build assets...you build resources ...and thanks to the coul notes you bought...you attend to the good feeling through your body… …you're in a grateful state…be grateful…first….then another thank you….and then you move forward…toward progress….third…you let it go
"Giving, not Taking." I'm shooting hoops every change I get. Raining outside, so I spit it freely. France, Denmark, Hungary. I'll eat you up. Unselfish giving! Replace the go getter mentality with the go-giver. I'm on the moon, 1/6 gravity, feel my energy, synergy. Getting my Prime Cause Right, If you don't like it you can move on. Call me David Essex.