Transmute your weaknesses into strengths… you now have an enormous advantage…. Coul Notes benefits you and grants you multiple options…increase your income, buy coul notes…get rich…get warm…
Mr Invincible. Golden Coast: Coul Notes. The light red glow of the sunrise transforming into orange and a bright yellow sun still rises. Always out in public. Bottoms Up in da club, you're in a hub, and you dance. You wonder aloud how to break out of the current patterns that satisfy numerous secondary gains. You see a person that inspires you.
...appreciate your surroundings….and….slowly…get in harmony with your central nervous system….and….your …. environment…you're heart is beating perfectly…get in touch with that same force….that same substance…you now have it….keep it up…you're doing great….you're motivated….you don't need to get your groove on… you're kind…you're nice….becoming more cheerful…and….mellow….rich….enhance your life with coul industries….lift your spirits his music...
Meditating on a divine consciousness, "I am totally confident" as an entrepreneur under God who is ever expressing its true nature of abundance hence as I'm working to clean up the mess, I amplify the exploding car and watch the girl slowly crawl away fromll the crash. You are a beautiful piece of equipment. Apply the tool and tolls of appreciation. She changed my attitude.
Along the coral reef... swimming, snorkeling, and the water crystal.... clear like a grateful blue....big blue... ocean.... with no memory.
Tags: some hot shit new lil wayne rain man instrumental made it ma self so its copy dont try still askk before do subribe and ask for more please Category: Music Tags: LIL WAYNE MR RAIN MAN INSTRUMENTAL WIT HOOK