Sunday, November 13, 2011

Detox; Christian Rap? Expect an Abundance

It's not important for you to put cucumbers on your eyes girl….You shouldn't say "I got a crossbow" …and step…with your tongue in your cheek…?…yet…i'll wait…you've got a great sense of humor…you're emotionally supportive…you go online and buy every single coul notes album...and're after you're well being...a ...'re emotionally wired right…you utilize resources available to you as an adult…protect them with those resources…shelter them if necessary….oh yeah…???….yessum…yes….yeah

Whoa; Ok

4 My Town, Yes, Bird Man, Daimons, Diamonds and More at Coul Industries and thank you to the Coul Advocates

"Government workers are some coul cats." A work horse, show horse, sane customer, popular, and informed. "Red Hot Chili Peppers." Gee Oh Dee. Comes on slow, strong like active imagination, get outta dodge. "Is this real, look at the porcelain, I think it is." Give you XTC. "f**k those Purple Pillz, this is 4 my town." Forgive but Forget!

Spittin like Big T: Santa Barbara, Garden: The museum vinyl has red glowing. Laugh it all up. You're burnt. Like Santa Clause Lane, OMG, the sunrise transforms into one's soul. The land of 1000 suns. "Everybody wants to be my friend." Hot spit, hot knots, hot spots!