Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cool and Coul Notes? Warren Buffet

South Side Story Remix by Lloyd Banks, Troy Coulon, The Industry of da Anti-Cool, Coul Industries, and Cool Notes

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You shouldn't close your eyes or look in the mirror….Get in the moment…Focus on your resources…What you have, not what you, your feelings, judgements, and so forth say….Give more pleasure to others….meditate lately? … ask for help like a professional lately? …rewarded good behavior, lately? …focused on your strengths, lately…. transmute your sexual energy, lately? … you now have an enormous advantage…. Coul Notes allows you the freedom to explore multiple options…increasing your choices….coul notes…notices you getting rich…when they say the rich get richer and the….poor….get…poorer….you have a prosperity consciousness….utilized it…you're grateful….be warm…appreciate it….and….slowly…get in harmony with your central nervous system….and….your …. stomping grounds…you're motivated….you have the change you intend already in progress… you're succeeding…you're willful….becoming less wishful…and….mellow….rich….enhanced….grateful for your life and your present circumstances….listening to his music via coul industries….while you read this…

Listen to Lyrics by Warren Buffet via Radiohead a la Necro