Saturday, December 10, 2011

Richez to Ragz; Bag Lady? and the Riches mixtape

Honk For Boobz

....but the movement like waters splitting and forming a mountain....rather it is to his spherical form....... was assigned to him.....and him alone....because....this.... being .....with the divine number ......"seven".....was unlike that which most .....apt....rather.....becoming more appropriate .....and stopping the mind.....master mind and intelligence....via....coul notes granting one help in making decisions and following though....therefore, he was made to move the same manner and on the same spot..... within his own limits......and all the its own mystery.... revolving in a circle..... All the other six motions were taken away from him...... and he was made not to partake...... of their deviations.....And as this circular movement required no feet, the universe was created without legs and without feet....

Richez to Ragz; Bag Lady? and the Riches mixtape