Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Part 1: God Like Parents

we meditations....and inquiring about.... their wandering ways.....and like a labyrinth....or....maze.....Pushed on, too....with....his.... art or marketing thou rolling over in the grass....eating... plums from purple nymphs.....and.... on and off the chest....or....breast.....hence....
 bearing thee a metaphorical.... matador....slayer of old habits and old ideas..... brooding o'er the depths unknown…..and…On this account.....and checking on my work....progress is made...thanks to our research and development departments here at coul industries....and thanks to the international sales of coul notes....and our past decisions....we....along ....with.... the other traditional notions..... of ....say.....the daemon...... as it is related to the souls of the dead...... is .....insightfully.... in favour of a spatial.....spiritual.....experience...
that you are….desiring to draw nearer to God?

...dancing with the spirit....that knows your partying as a rockstar.....hence....rendering him powerless.... and is it not worth trusting.....allowing ourselves to be vulnerable..... for the health of the body? ...allow warm…appreciate it….and….slowly…get in harmony with your central nervous system… a crisp wind.....a balmy warm breeze....tropical feel.....become aware of the sensation of that not as to.....move even the mountains....obstacles.....blocks....fences......stuck in a rut that simulate the living....

....via ....a....mastermind......concept.....learned....from Coul Notes......the think and grow rich version.....manifestation......hence....
It seemed rather.....simple..... to