Sunday, December 18, 2011

Coul Ethereal Nymphs, and the like

The soul may be also perceptive of finer impressions and ethereal contacts….and…Her ethereal nature seemed to shrink from coarse reality….and entails…a… faith which is so wholly ethereal as to be independent of facts….so….Come, oh come spirit and ally. If you do not come, I will go to you….hence….Awake, oh, awake spirit and ally…… Now I came to you, and I wake up you from your dreams…..Because….There is more bliss in describing the purple….nymphs….defying gravity…..vanishing….like the immortality inherent in….. the theatre….For in these things the human spirit is used to move in divine works….with a spirit seeking proper…..manner and applause…..for….our starry eyes…. that pierce the smouldering haze….Of Life and Thought…. whose fires….and lightning bolts…. fuse together worlds hitherto not in harmony…..connected…..loving….kind….strong….hence we look…..and….as we gaze, we remember….construct….and….feel Genius….with respect for and in respect to students, children, or youth….for their order….Our order possesses the key…..