Thursday, December 8, 2011

May Anderson; Confrontational Music Video? New Work

May Anderson; Confrontational Music Video? New Work found here

A woman went into a trance....the problem was can feel so good....the way the situation, problem, issue, dilemma, is decaying....I get that feeling, too....each time....I'm in this it is so sensations in your hand will increase.....and you can become aware of that specific memory....that choice to make this behavior a habit....just....know....and...remember....that I see it and respect that part of you very much.....nobody....however...knows for sure....Sue...may...know.....because people can be comfortable while reading this sentence and listening to the end of this remix of cupid's arrow a la magic stick plus while browsing for all things coul....finding iTunes....and searching for coul notes...and...then....using your disposable income for buying coul notes....

May Anderson; Confrontational Music Video? New Work