A Deep Feeling of Tranquility; Coul Notes? Relax
Conceive, Believe, Achieve....
The entire mystery can be summed up.... in very few.... words....because the total is larger than the sum of the parts....hence..... hear....here they are.....An upper room; absolutely...necessarily...fortunately....rejuvenating and.... personal, mental, and moral cleanliness.....because..... both upper areas are.....of the man and wife...... An observance of this.... law...... just cited during the entire term of the experiment.....40 days....formulates....or...rather...shall....you....notice your body and the way it feels.....or....in other.....words.....allow yourself to relax and.....Formulate the desire to keep it in mind.... during the entire process....of walking down this staircase.....this beautiful staircase...with 12 steps.....and each time you take a step down....there is a wave of relaxation flowing throughout your entire body....and.....as you reach ....the bottom....you will be completely....and totally relaxed....so let's begin......12......step down......11......just allow your organs to function naturally.....10....9.....8....very good....feel that wave....moving through.....you.....7......6......5.....deeper and deeper....relaxed.....4.....feeling so good........3.....that's right......2.......1.....feel yourself......and.....the.....whole period....deeper and deeper still..... especially when making the ritualistic..... prayer....act.....of .....coitus....feeling better and better.....during which no word may be spoken, but the thing desired be strongly thought...like astral projecting to sirius....the .....dog....star.....so good....so peaceful....and....so....relaxed....allow yourself to drift deeper and deeper....and all habits you do not want.....just float away.....therefore....coul notes...helps you make...the changes you want to make....the changes you want in your life now....