Coulon releases new blog, Celebrity Gozzip, and Justin Bieber: One Time... My World 2.0
"OMGGG." Oh My Goodness Gracious Girl. "Thank You Troy Coulon" says budding father Eddie Perez. Keeping them talking to kids? I don't think so? Hold that thought, Cop and Blow Pinocchio? Know better than the church like da Coul Notes version of Science of Getting Rich or Master Key System? Nah…You shouldn't say what you mean and mean what you say and don't say it to be mean… 1/6 gravity. Full Moon, Again.. TYVM. New Acronym Trend Setter and New Trend In Music Video entrepreneur Troy Coolon LLC says "Congratulations, build that wealth, you did it, soaring 90,000 percent, use that thing" etc. If they gamble with fortune, i.e. feel the feeling…thee adrenaline like Greektown in Detroit…observe it…study the tension…and release it…if you can see it you can be it… on the Golden Coast…now…set the trend…Be a leader…. like the color turquoise to the Indians is good luck…so shall it be for you…A Plus Quality…Guaranteed...
Iron Butterfly : In A Gadda Da Vida a la Montecito: CA, Sunset… When the sun starts to recede during the day, and you grind for your shine…playing on against the next…wreck a hater…and fall asleep only to wake up while it's night….black night…and you walk outside and there is the big dipper on one side and the little dipper on the other side…a full moon with shadows on the ground from the trees…the serene sight…the world…you may feel is A okay…bring it all into focus!
Justin Bieber Island Records Pop One Time
It's not important for you to be into American pop music with all its diversity and eccentricities…they call you crazy…spell it with a K…you avoid gorillas and Godzillas…deliver the goods….don't chase em and replace em….and remember…your wonderfully delightful sense of humor…and …fortunately…luckily…gratefuly…for you…i teach you the superman…jump over the dead dog…give motivation and inspiration….this parent, child, adult lie may get you in the direction of guru status...
God Blesss
Tromonomics' version of Power Pop in the form of A Woodward Dream Cruise escalator or as an actor in Stone, Tony Marrero alter ego in his LLoyd Banks' Mixtape, Stephen Marvin as a government trained ki**er out in the jungle with rhinocerotic tendencies, supplies, and attitude equals Checkaz, Popz, Coolon and the like. They showing respect to get respect and crowning him hence they are in that third verse like a "guiding light." Lodestar. Consult your inner mentor…you're inner guide…know its time for you to auto suggest, have faith in your daimon, be decisive, it knows your destiny, perservere, create new knowledge, utilize your creative imagination, and turn mediocrity…into…genius…and know…I admire that part of you…and respect it…take….a…stroll in the air… and … thanks a million for supporting coul notes with your monies! OMGG Audiobooks that buy time, grow money