Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Coul Charisma; New Experiences? Perceptionz

Contemporary charisma maintains....that....now, you already know how to....be willing to experience.....comforting feelings....via his voice...on coul notes, however, the irreducible character ascribed to him....remains.....and I wonder how soon you can wonder.....how it feels to travel the journey set forth before you.....the path you've chosen and how far you will travel....through his music, to his websites, and to the store where one can notice....just notice.....with your permission....and patronage....I would like you to have a new experience....a new perception...and.... it retains a mysterious, elusive quality. and if someone says "listen to me" in a funny voice you may know that the satisfaction you feel from limitless confidence pays no attention to that funny voice....absurd....comical....limiting belief....that coul charisma eliminates...just like all the habits...you may or may not want to change....and....you know the ones......that you are feeling....remembering....realizing....and...experiencing....

DMX : We Right Here starring May Andersen