Coming soon....
Cutups; Kromestar/COokie MOnster....and Kraeyshawn
.....Where is the girl that lived in your mind? You know the one....Remember? that.... little one....the younger you.... the one that believed in love? Maybe she dreamed of that ideal.....that ideal..... man she'd one day give her heart to...... and she knew at that moment she dreamt of him...... she had already fallen in love......fallen in love..... And each day, each moment of her life....each passing moment..... she carried that love with her in her heart.....and from the bottom of her heart....she was waiting for the day when it could be released....the day....she....could....let go....and...release.....and finally....she released was given to the one who was worthy......What would it be like to realize....or imagine.....or think about all of that.....and after all of that.... after all the sorrow and tears... with your permission....that person had finally.....arrived....