Sunday, March 4, 2012
Sofia Vergage; Can't Get Enough? Coul Buzz
When, lost in dreams, we meditations....and inquiring about.... their wandering ways.....and like a labyrinth....or....maze.....Pushed on, too....with....his.... art or marketing thou rolling over in the grass....eating... plums from purple nymphs.....and.... on and off the chest....or....breast.....hence.... bearing thee a metaphorical.... matador....slayer of old habits and old ideas..... brooding o'er the depths unknown.....
and....On this account.....and checking on my work....progress is made...thanks to our research and development departments here at coul industries....and thanks to the international sales of coul notes....and our past decisions....we....along ....with.... the other traditional notions..... of ....say.....the daemon...... as it is related to the souls of the dead...... is .....insightfully.... in favour of a spatial.....spiritual.....experience... that you are….desiring to draw nearer to God? How close do you really want to get to Him? These questions are worthy of consideration....contemplation....guided meditation...etc….for….Today, I wanted to talk a little bit about how to get closer to God. (I also made some coul the listener...know.... How to Hear From God) you make a commitment....for the universe becomes your to them forty days in a row..... your consciousness...will....expand....and change....for the benefits of auto-suggestion are yours.....and .....awareness will grow.....for.... The lotus fruit is all....about...desire....or.... the size of a green pea or ras.....p..... berry.....and in its..... sweetness the first lotus-eaters..... succeed....thanks to coul in obtaining from it a sort of wine...... a crisp wind.....a balmy warm breeze....tropical feel.....become aware of the sensation of that breeze....on....your.....body......they rave and participate in a jubilee...a fiesta......thank you very much
But that burning glare ….is….so intense….so livid….and…..while….at the same time…..more or less….it is so alive…life…is….had in it….. something that was almost HUMAN … its passion of hate and mockery….. something that served to show….. that the shadowy Horror….. was not all a spirit….a..ghost… coul notes on….think and grow rich….overcoming the ghosts of fear….via…decision….autosuggession….but of course….they partook of matter enough….first…second….and…a….third….red or blue pill…. at least….to make it more courageous in the face of death…and fear….fack everything and recover….btwy…. could be an enemy to material forms…..and here is where it gets good….because….there….is a sound….As, clinging with the grasp of agony to the wall…..ecstacy….perhaps….via….her…or his hair erect, his eyeballs starting, rolling in the back of his head……. he still gazed back upon that appalling gaze… felt great…it feels great….and….—the Image spoke to him: his soul rather than his ear comprehended the words as they were spoken aloud when you bought coul notes….for it said….in that warm voice you know and love so well….