Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Rusko - 2 girls 1 cup (Sorry Ladies)

Rusko - 2 girls 1 cup (Sorry Ladies)
I'm so focused, in harmony." You get respect for that. I admire your courage. You shouldn't go buy coul notes, now. Get yet? One: a new awareness. Two: a new understanding. Three: power. Four: House. Five: Uncle. Six: When I Be Spitting. . .
Seven: You don't need to go to iTunes, right now and search for coul notes, ok? Eight: The sun shines, finally. Nine: It's not important for you to glow and respect the flash of light flashing across your mind. Ten: Progressive Relaxation. And it is bright yet still is okay to let the orange glow pervade your skin… at your feet is white or black sand… above you is a cloudless bright blue sky… there is a hammock, between to trees. You …. take …. a …. nap…